von evolutionsbiologie | 11.09.2023 | Aktuelles, Evolutionsbiologie
The 115th annual DZG meeting in Kassel was a big success. In the evolution section, we had 19 short talks, 13 posters, and one invited talk by Charlotte Rafaluk-Mohr on virulence and longevity of pathogens. Our section’s price for the best poster went to Katharina...
von evolutionsbiologie | 05.09.2023 | Aktuelles, Evolutionsbiologie, Veranstaltungen
Dear DZG – Evolutionary Community! We are looking forward to meeting you next week @Kassel during the 115th DZG annual meeting! Please reserve the following dates/times: invited talk evol biol: Wednesday, 6.9., lecture hall 6, 15:15 – 16:00 Charlotte...
von evolutionsbiologie | 05.09.2023 | Aktuelles, Evolutionsbiologie, Unkategorisiert, Veranstaltungen
Hosted at the ZiF, Uni Bielefeld, by Steve Ramm and Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar Invited speakers: Sinead English (Bristol) Oliver Otti (Dresden) Round table discussion on research funding: Barbara Caspars, Klaus Reinhold, Toni Gossmann Half-day workshop on data...
von evolutionsbiologie | 11.01.2023 | Aktuelles, Evolutionsbiologie, Veranstaltungen
Dear DZG-Evolutionary Biology Community, Here’s some news from the DZG subject Group Evolutionary Biology: The 114th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society took place in presence in Bonn 13th – 16th September 2022. Numerous participants listened to...
von entwicklungsbiologie | 13.12.2021 | Entwicklungsbiologie
Graduate Meeting of the Developmental Biology Section Mind the gap: From Genotype to Phenotype and the role of Modelling, Genomic Prediction and Development March 2-4, 2022 at Waldschlösschen, (Reinhausen, Göttingen) Save the date! The final program will be available...
von evolutionsbiologie | 09.09.2021 | Aktuelles, Evolutionsbiologie
Dear DZG-Evolutionary Biology Community, The 113th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society took place virtually via Zoom and Gather from 30th August to 3rd September 2021. About 350 participants listened to great keynotes, expert and student talks. The subject...