Section Developmental Biology
April 28, 2023
Next up: 115th DZG Meeting Kassel
From September 4th – 8th, 2023 the annual DZG Meeting will take place in Kassel. We are currently organizing our Developmental Biology section symposium. Moreover, we teamed up with the sections “Evolutionary Biology” and “Ecology” to organize the satellite meeting „SpiderFest – #Genomes #Genes #Forms #Functions“.
The final program will be available here soon.
For more details see here. Visit the conference website for registration, abstract submission and more information.
March 20-21, 2023
Workshop/Graduate Meeting of the Developmental Biology Section
Development, Function and Evolution of Invertebrate Eyes
The meeting took place from March 20-21, 2023 in Goettingen, GER. For the program and abstracts see here.
Dec 13, 2021
Graduate Meeting of the Developmental Biology Section
Mind the gap: From Genotype to Phenotype and the role of Modelling, Genomic Prediction and Development
March 2-4, 2022 at Waldschlösschen, (Reinhausen, Göttingen)
Save the date! The final program will be available here soon.
Since the 113th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Würzburg must be postponed, we will have a virtual meeting:
“DZG 2020 Virtual Section Meeting: Developmental Biology”
September 10, 2020 | 9 – 12 CEST
The program and login information are available here.
“From tiny steps to major transitions – Evo-Devo on various scales”
Invited Speakers:
Maria Daniela Santos Nunes, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
Peter Holland, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK