DZG Science Award – Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal
The German Zoological Association honors the life’s work of Nobel Prize winner and member of the Pour le Mérite Prof. Dr. Karl Ritter von Frisch. With this scientific award, the DZG aims to honor outstanding and original achievements, especially those works that represent an integration of knowledge from several individual biological disciplines. | |
The science prize consists of a medal and prize money of € 5,000. The prize is awarded every two years. The prize money is sponsored by BMC and Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin, Heidelberg. |
Call for Nominations
The German Zoological Association will award its science prize, the Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal, at its 116th annual conference in 2024.
Candidates for the Science Award can be nominated by all members of the DZG. The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to April 30, 2024. Written proposals must be submitted to the President of the DZG (via email):
PD Dr. Sven Bradler
Georg-August-University Göttingen
for Zoology and Anthropology
Department of Evolution and Biodiversity
Untere Karspüle 2
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 (0)551 3925430
More information coming soon
Walther Arndt Research Prize
The Walther Arndt Research Prize is awarded for outstanding scientific work on a zoological topic. Applicants should be shortly before or after their habilitation or be able to demonstrate comparable achievements. Preference should be given to work that is able to place the original results in a larger biological context, regardless of the zoological field.
The prize is worth €5,000 and is awarded every two years at the respective annual meeting. The next call for applications is for 2025, the deadline for applications is 15.12.2024.
The DZG will award the Walther Arndt Prize for young researchers in 2023 to
Dr. Sophie Armitage, University of Münster.
The award ceremony took place on September 7, 2023 as part of the 115th DZG conference in Kassel.
More information coming soon
Sponsorship award from the Horst Wiehe Foundation
The Horst Wiehe Foundation Prize is awarded for an outstanding scientific dissertation on an exclusively zoological topic to young scientists after their doctorate and before their habilitation.
The prize is worth €2000 and is awarded every two years at the respective annual meeting. The next call for applications is for 2025; the closing date for applications is 15.12.2024.
The DZG will award the Horst Wiehe Prize for Young Scientists in 2023 to
Dr. Stephnie Reher, University of Hamburg.
The award ceremony took place on September 7, 2023 as part of the 115th DZG conference in Kassel.
More information coming soon
Werner Rathmayer Prize
Special prize for an original work in zoology in the Jugend forscht competition
endowed with 500 euros and an invitation to the DZG annual conference
The winner in 2023 was determined at the Jugend forscht finals on May 20/21
The winner in 2023 is Julian Kehm
(Mathilde-Planck-Schule Lörrach, phaenovum student research center Lörrach-Dreiländereck)
More information coming soon
DZG – Master prizes
Prizes for the best Master’s theses with a zoological focus
The DZG Executive Board awards annual prizes for Master’s graduates from universities in the DZG’s catchment area. This supplements the previous series of DZG prizes (Horst Wiehe Prize, Walther Arndt Prize) with a prize for a broader target group.
The prize is to be awarded decentrally at the universities for the best Master’s thesis with a zoological focus. A jury of the respective university will decide on the eligibility for the prize. Universities (represented by a university lecturer who is a DZG member) can apply to the DZG Executive Board to take part in the DZG Master’s Prize. Contact the DZG office (
The winner receives a certificate of the award from the German Zoological Society and prize money of €100.
The prizes will be awarded at a celebratory event at the respective universities.
more information coming soon