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Section Morphology

10.12.2024 3rd Morphology Online Night
Jan-Henning Dirks (Bremen) Skeletal-Biomechanics – from fundamental research to biomimetic applications.
Alyssa Stark (Villanova) Performance of living biological adhesive systems in hot and humid conditions.
Stephan Handschuh (Vienna) Exploiting the colour nature of X-rays: spectral microCT imaging of animal morphology using lab-based setups.

10.-13.09.2024 116. Annual Meeting of the DZG – University of Hohenheim
Brednon E. Boudinot (Frankfurt) History, Novety, and Function: Cases from Beetles and Wasps.
Lilliana d’Alba (Gent) Egg Morphology at the Nanoscale.

09.09.2024 Satellite-Symposium „Predator-prex interactions: From behavioral tactics to morphological adaptations” at the annual DZG meeting in Hohenheim (Organizer: Inon Scharf & Sebastian Büsse)

21.-23.02.2024 5th Young Researcher Meeting Morphology (Organisatoren: Sebastian Schmelzle & Michael Heethoff, TU Darmstadt)
Peter L. Falkingham (Liverpool ) Track morphology as a window on extinct life.
Simon Poppinga (Darmstadt) Biomechanics of plant-animal interactions.

Meeting Information

2024 – 5th Young Researcher Meeting Morphology – Darmstadt



04.12.2023 2nd Morphology Online Night
Daniela Winkler (Kiel) – The wisdom of teeth – using dental microwear texture analysis for (more than) diet inference.
Norman Rzepka (Potsdam) – Collaborative analysis of large 3D images with WEBKNOSSOS.

04.-08.09.2023 115. Annual Meeting of the DZG – University of Kassel
María Herranz Matesanz (Madrid) The enigmatic world of mud dragons (Kinorhyncha): insights into morphology, development, and evolution.

24.-26.05.2023 Workshop „Approaches, Ideas and Solutions in Imaging“ (Organizer: Thomas Schwaha (University of Vienna), Stephan Handschuh (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), Andy Sombke (Medical University of Vienna))

Workshop Information

2023 – Workshop – Vienna

23.-25.02.2023 4th Young Researcher Meeting Morphology (Organizer: Rabea Klingberg, Paul Kalke, Marco Niekampf & Conrad Helm, Universität Göttingen)
Luke Parry (Oxford) Half a billion-year-old armoured slugs and the origins of lophotrochozoa.
Michael Bok (Lund) Seeing the world in a new light: Fan worms travel unique evolutionary paths to photoreception and vision.
Sven Bradler (Göttingen) Morphological homoplasy across the phasmatodean tree of life.

Meeting information

2023 – 4th Young Reseracher Meeting Morphology – Göttingen


09.12.2022 1st Morphology Online Night (online meeting, Organizer: Thies Büscher, Wencke Krings & Andy Sombke)
Alexandra Kerbl (Exeter) Reconstructing organisms section by section: Modular serial section scanning electron microscopy (S3EM)-workflow for small- to medium-scale connectomics projects
Frederik Püffel (London) Fibre – quo vadis? A novel method to trace muscle fibres of insects
Thomas van de Kamp (Karlsruhe) Serial micro-CT of insects and semi-automated analysis of morphological 3D data

15.09.2022 Section speaker: Wencke Krings (Hamburg), Thies H. Büscher (Kiel) und Andy Sombke (Vienna)

13.-16.09.2022 114. Annual Meeting of the DZG – University of Bonn
Julia A. Schulz (Bonn) Evolution of mammalian hearing is influenced by major transformations in the chewing biomechanics in the earliest of mammals
Ekin Tilic (Copenhagen) Hooked on Chaetae – the biological 3D-printers of bristle worms

12.-13.09.2022 Satellite-Symposium “Evolution of Terrestrial Locomotion – How Ecology shapes Morphology” at the annual DZG meeting in Bonn (Organizer: Thies Büscher & Jendrian Riedel)

2022 – Satellite Symposium – Bonn

24.-26.02.2022 3rd Young Researcher Meeting Morphology (online meeting, Organizer: Rabea Klingberg, Paul Kalke, Marco Niekampf & Conrad Helm, University of Göttingen)
Jan Huisken (Göttingen) Putting advanced light sheed microscopy in the hands of biologists
John A. Nyakatura (Berlin) Virtual experiments in vertebrate functional morphology
Sebastian Schmelzle (Darmstadt) Blender in science – more than just meets the eye!?

Meeting information



30.08.-03.09.2021 113. Annual meeting of the DZG – online meeting
Stefan Fischer (Tübingen) Small eyes, large data – visual systems of tiniest insects in 3D ultrastructural resolution

24.-26.02.2021 2nd Young Researcher Meeting Morphology (online meeting, Organizer: Conrad Helm, Ellen Schulz-Kornas & Andy Sombke)
Joachim T. Haug (Munich) Morphology as a basis for recognising the decline of biodiversity in deep time – examples from lacewings

Meeting information

2021 – 2nd Young Researcher Meeting Morphologie – online


27.-29.02.2020 1st Young Researcher Meeting Morphology (University of Vienna, Organizer: Thomas Schwaha & Andy Sombke)
Nicole Grunstra (Kolsterneuburg) Evolutionary, functional, and theoretical morphology of mammals: from primate skulls to bat pelvises
Daniel Baum (Berlin) Image and shape analysis of biological structures

Meeting information

2020 – 1st Young Researcher Meeting Morphology – Vienna


12.-13.09.2019 112. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Jena
Cathrin Pfaff (Vienna) Enter the labyrinth – Functional morphological and phylogenetic signals of the organ of balance in vertebrates
Tim Wollesen (Heidelberg) Insights into lophotrochozoan evolution – on the morphology and molecular signature of single cells in a mollusk with pronounced ancestral traits

09.-10.09.2019 Satellite-Symposium “Form and Function of motions systems: new approaches, new opportunities, new challenges” at the annual DZG meeting in Jena (Organizer: Tom Weihmann & Egon Heiss)


11.-13.11.2018 11. Graduate Meeting Morphologie „Morphologie in Evolution und Entwicklung: was man aus Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten lernen kann“ (LMU München, Organizer: Philipp Wagner, Mario Schädel & Timo Kolb)

10.2018 MorphoNews on Twitter/X

24.-28.09.2018 Workshop „Anwendung lizenzfreier Open Source Software zur Bearbeitung und Analyse morphologischer Bilddatensätze“ (University of Tübungen, Organizer: Stefan Fischer)

2018 – Workshop – Tübingen

14.09.2018 Section speaker: Ellen Schulz-Kornas (Leipzig), Conrad Helm (Göttingen) und Andy Sombke (Wien)

11.-15.09.2018 111. Annual Meeting of the DZG – University of Greifswald
Jakob Vinther (Bristol) Fossil colours and the evolution of predator-prey landscapes
Georg Brenneis (Berlin) Nobodies or Somebodies? – Exploring the unexplored potential of sea spiders (Pycnogonida) to inform on arthropod evolution

10.-11.09.2018 Satellite-Symposium „MorphoEvoDevo: A multilevel approach to understand the evolution of metazoan diversity“ at the annual DZG meeting in Greifswald (Organizer: Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow & Jörg Hammel)


12.-14.10.2017 10. Graduate Meeting Morphologie „Morphologie und was man von ihr lernen kann“ (MPI für Intelligente Systeme Stuttgart, Organizer: Chantal Göttler)

2017 – 10. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Stuttgart

12.-15-09.2017 110. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Bielefeld
Andy Sombke (Greifswald) Morphology and evolution of sensory and processing systems in mandibulate arthropods
Irina Ruf (Frankfurt) Evolution and functional morphology of the mammalian inner ear


13.-15.10.2016 9. Graduate Meeting Morphologie „Morphologie gestern, heute und morgen“ (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Organizer: Thomas van der Kamp)

2016 – 9. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Karlsruhe

14.-17-09.2016 109. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Kiel
Conrad Helm (Bergen) Of nerve cords and glial cells – an annelid perspective!
John. A. Nyakatura (Berlin) Reconstructing the locomotion of fossils – Where do we stand, where are we going? The case of a stem amniote

11.-14.09.2016 Workshop „Engineering tools in morphology – automated image processing, rapid prototyping and determination of material properties“ (University of Kiel, Organizer: Jan Michels)

2016 – Workshop – Kiel


09.-11.10.2015 8. Graduate Meeting Morphologie „Morphologie in Ontogenie und Phylogenie“ (University of Jena, Organizer: Peter Warth & Benjamin Naumann)

2015 – 8. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Jena

05.-08.10.2015 Workshop „3D BioImaging: Methoden und Anwendungen“ (MPI for chemical ecology Jena, Organizer: Jürgen Ryback & Benjamin Wipfler)

2015 – Workshop -Jena

09.-12.09.2015 108. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Graz
Jörg U. Hammel (Hamburg) Moving fluids for live – a sponge perspective
Egon Heiss
(Jena) Prey capture systems in newts (salamandrids): Does behavioral plasticity trigger morphological alterations?

09.2015 Section speaker: Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow (Vienna) und Jörg Hammel (Hamburg)


11.-14.09.2014 107. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Göttingen
Jake Socha (Blacksburg) How snakes fly: effects of morphology and behavior on aerodynamics
Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow (Wien) Hemichordate morphogenesis revealed by modern techniques and its implications for deuterostome evolution

09. 2014 Section speaker: Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow (Vienna) und Michael Heethoff (Darmstadt)

01.-04.06.2014 Workshop “From Voxels to Models – Image segmentation tools for biological structures” (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Organizer: Stephan Handschuh)

2014 – Workshop – Vienna

2014 7. Graduate Meeting Morphologie “Nicht mehr ganz jung, aber immer noch spannend” (Universität Hamburg, Organizer: Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Stephan Henne)
Alexander Kienecke (Senckenberg) Elektronenmikroskopie
Andy Sombke (Greifswald) Konfokale Laserscanmikroskopie

2014 – 7. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Hamburg


10.-13.10.2013 6. Graduate Meeting Morphologie “Lücken schliessen – Morphologie fossil & rezent” (University of Ulm, Organizer: Verena Kutschera, Peter Katzmann)

2013 – 6. Graduiertentreffen Morphologie – Ulm

17.-19.09.2013 Workshop “Elastische Alignierung von Serienschnitten und Co-Registrierung unterschiedlicher Datensätze” (Leipniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Organizer: Bernhard Ruthensteiner)

2013 – Workshop – München

13.-16-09.2013 106. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Munich (LMU)
Frank Friedrich (Hamburg) Insect morphology in the phylogenomic age – its impact on the reconstruction of phylogeny and evolution
Thomas Kleinteich (Kiel) Sticky stuff: adhesion in fishes and amphibians

09 2013 Section speaker: Michael Heethoff (Darmstadt) und Peter Michalik (Greifswald)

13.09.2013 Satellite-Symposium “3D EM” at the annual DZG meeting in Munich (Organizer: Martin Heß, Roland Melzer, Peter Michalik)


12.-14.10.2012 5. Graduate Meeting Morphologie “Integrative Morphologie” (University of Tübingen, Organizer: Michael Heethoff)
Oliver Betz (Tübingen) Ökologische Morphologie – Ein integrativer Ansatz zur Analyse evolutiver Anpassungen
Thomas Endlein (Glasgow) Sticky feet – Biomechanics of tree frogs
Thomas van der Kamp (Karlsruhe) Synchrotron-Röntgen-Tomographie und der Einsatz interaktiver 3D-Modelle für funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen

21.-24.09.2012 105. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Konstanz
Hendrik Müller (Jena) Evolution of reproductive strategies and skeletal development in amphibians
Ellen Schulz (Hamburg) Chewing mechanics in mammals: 3D morphology of enamel wear


21-.23.10.2011 4. Graduate Meeting Morphologie “Zoomorphologie 2011 – Fragen, Wege, Perspektiven” (München, Organizer: Martin Heß, Petra Koch)

26.-30.09.2011 Workshop “Grundlagenkurs Immunhistochemie und Bildgebungsverfahren” (University of Greifswald, Organizer: Steffen Harzsch, Jakob Krieger, Andy Sombke)

2011 – Workshop – Greifswald

09.-12.09.2011 104. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Saarbrücken
Christiane Todt (Bergen) Aplacophoran mollusk body plans – primitively simple od simply derived?
Kornnelius Kupcik (Leipzig) Something to chew on – Insights from form and function studies of mammal teeth

09 2011 Section speaker: Peter Michalik (Greifswald) und Manuela Schmidt (Jena)


21.-24.10.2010 3. Graduate Meeting Morphologie (Vienna, Organizer: Thomas Schwaha & Emanuel Redl)

2010 – 3. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Vienna

21.-25.09.2010 Workshop “3D Visualisierung und Analyse” (University of Hamburg, Organizer: Alexander Haas, Thomas Kaiser, Felix Beckmann, Frank Friedrich, Ellen Schulz)

17.-21.09.2010 103. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Hamburg
Nadja Schilling (Jena) Evolution of the axial musculature in craniates – Morphology and function
Michael Heethoff (Tübingen) Functional morphology and evolutionary implications of the particle feeding in chelicerate micro-arthropods (Acari, Oribatida)

09 2010 Section speaker: Manuela Schmidt (Jena) und Christian Wirkner (Rostock)


06.-10.10.2009 2. Graduate meeting Morphologie (University of Greifswald, Organizer: Peter Michalik, Christian Wirkner)

2009 – 2. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Greifswald

25.-28.09.2019 102. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Regensburg
Andreas Hejnol (Honolulu) From nerve net to CNS – evolutionary impacts from the development of a acoel
Manuela Schmidt (Jena) Morphological integration in mammalian limb proportions – dissociation between function and development


06.-10.10.2008 Workshop “3D Visualisierung und Analyse” (University of Hamburg und Zoological Museum, Organizer: Alexander Haas, Thomas Kaiser, Felix Beckmann, Thomas Kleinteich, Ellen Schulz, Juan P. Gailer, Ivan Calandra, Jonas Lauströer)

2008 1. Graduate Meeting Morphologie “Form und Funktion” – University of Jena

2008 – 1. Graduate Meeting Morphologie – Jena

19.-22.09.2008 101. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Jena Jena
Michael Nickel (Jena) The functional morphology of sponges – new views on ancient animals
Andrea Mess (Berlin) Character transformations and their functional significance as a key to the evolution of hystricognath Rodentia

2008 Section speaker: Michael Nickel (Jena) und Christian Wirkner (Rostock)


21.-27.09.2007 100. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Köln
Antony Herrel (Antwerpen) Morphological basis and evolutionary consequences of force-velocity trade-offs in the cranial system of dawin’s finches
Christine Hertler (Frankfurt) Eco-profiling of large mammal communities and the reconstruction of hominid habitats

24.-27.07.2007 Workshop “3D Visualisierung und Analyse” (University of Hamburg und Zoological Museum; Organizer: Alexander Haas, Thomas Kaiser, Felix Beckmann, Thomas Kleinteich, Ellen Schulz)

Renaming of the section group to “Fachgruppe Morphologie”


16.-20.09.2006 99. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Münster
Christian Wirkner (Jena) Corrosion casting, micro-CT and 3-D-reconstruction – new insights into the circulatory system of malacostracan crustaceans
Oliver Betz (Tübingen) Imaging applications of Synchrotron radiography in zoological morphology

Section speaker: Alexander Haas (Hamburg) und Thomas Kaiser (Hamburg)


03.-06.10.2005 98. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Bayreuth


31.05-04.06.2004 97. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Rostock


09.-11.06.2003 96. Annual meeting of the DZG – Berlin
12.-13.06.2003 Discussion forum „Quo vadis Morphologie“ (Organizer: Andrea Mess, Sylke Franert, Peter Bartsch, Berlin)

14.-17.04.2003 Workshop „Stereologische Methoden für Zoologen“ (University of Bonn, Organizer: Steven Perry & Anke Schmitz)

Section speaker: Steven Perry (Bonn) und Anke Schmitz (Bonn)


95. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Halle


94. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Osnabrück

16.-19-06.2001 Workshop „IV. Biomechanik-Workshop“  (University of Jena, Organizer: Reinhard Blickhan)


93. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Bonn


92. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Innsbruck
Dan-Eric Nilsson (Lund): The early evolution of compound eyes in arthropods.

15.-17.12.1999 Workshop „III. Biomechanik-Workshop“ und „IV. Bionik-Workshop „(University of Saarbrücken, Organizer: Antonia Kesel, Saarbrrücken; Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn, Frankfurt; Reinhard Blickhan, Jena).


91. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Leipzig


90. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Mainz

Workshop „II. Biomechanik-Workshop“ (University of Jena)


89. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Oldenburg
L.V. Beloussov (Moskau): Patterns of mechanical stresses and formation of the body plans in animal embryos.


88. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Kaiserslautern
S. Löwel (Frankfurt) Welchen Einfluss hat visuelle Erfahrung auf die Strukturierung  der Sehrinde von Hauskatzen (Felis catus forma domestica)?

SymposiumRegulation of Autonomic Functions“
B.R. McHahon (Calgary) Integraded neural and neurohemal control of respiratory and circulatory function in crustaceans: is there evidence for an „autonomic“ control system?
A. Wenning (Konstanz) Neural regulation of salt excretion in leeches.


87. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Jena

Symposium „Funktionsmorphologie und Biomechanik“
J. Bereiter-Hahn (Frankfurt) Mechanical basis of cell shape and cell differentiation.
H. Preuschoft, H. Witte, A. Christian, S. Recknagel (Bochum) Körpergestalt und Lokomotion bei großen Säugetieren.
H. Bennet-Clark (Oxford) The world’s noisiest insects – cicada song as a model of the biophysics of animal sound production.


86. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Salzburg
R. Alexander Steinbrecht (Seewiesen) Frosch statt Gift – Kryotechniken in der biologischen Elektronenmikroskopie.


85. Annual meeting of the DZG – University of Kiel


84. Annual meeting of the DZG – Universität Tübingen

Foundation of the Section Morphology (Studiengruppe Morphologie) by Werner Peters (1929-2003)