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Behavioural Biology

Annual meetings of the DZG/Symposia

If you have any wishes or suggestions for keynote speakers for the annual meetings, please feel free to send us an email.

History of past annual meetings


Short report from the Behavioural Biology section of the DZG 2023 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the DZG took place from 4 to 8 September 2023 in Kassel. In addition to outstanding plenary talks, the programme was rounded off by wonderful poster pitches from the participants, a stimulating round table discussion and an interdisciplinary symposium on the topic of “Data – Big Questions”.

The Behavioural Biology Section was represented with 8 short talks and 8 posters on a wide range of behavioural biology topics. Our invited guest, Dr Manuel Bohn, inspired the audience with a talk entitled: “ManyPrimates – An infrastructure for collaboration in primate cognition research”.

At the award ceremony towards the end of the conference, Denise Becker was honoured with the section poster prize for her poster on “Shaky affairs: Male vibratory courtship performance and mating success in the spider Pisaura mirabilis (Araneae)”. Maitry Jani was awarded the audience prize for the best poster on the topic “Morphology and behavioural use of silk glands in spiders: a case study of Pholcus phalangioides (Araneae: Pholcidae).


We look forward to meeting many of the members of the Behavioural Biology Section at the DZG again next year. The 116th Annual Meeting will take place next year from 09 – 13 September 2024 in Stuttgart.


The speakers of the Section Behavioural Biology


13-16.09.2023 114th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Bonn

As an invited speaker of the Section of Behavioural Biology Dr. Öncü Maraci gave a very vivid and fascinating talk on “Microbiome: a promising avenue to study individual variation in animals”.

Unfortunately, this time no Section Meeting could take place during the Annual Meeting. The meeting was made up virtually on 01.12.2022. One of the points of the agenda of this meeting was the election of the new section speakers. Dr. Ahana Fernandez, Dr. Sabine Kraus and Dr. Christian Nawroth were unanimously elected as our new section speakers. Congratulations!


30.08. – 03.09.2021 113. Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in virtual format


11/2020 Report from the virtual meeting

Screenshots from the keynote talks from Meg Crofoot (left) and Cynthia Tedore (right).

Since this year’s Annual Meeting of the DZG 2020 in Würzburg had to be cancelled, the Section of Animal Behaviour decided to organise an online meeting at the actual time of the Annual Meeting as an alternative. For this purpose, the plenary speakers actually invited for Würzburg have agreed to give their presentations online. Furthermore, a total of 14 short presentations were registered and presented. On the mornings of September 9 and 10, 2020, one plenary talk followed by 7 short talks were presented and discussed online. On the first day of the “Virtual Meeting of the Behavioural Biology Section of the German Zoological Society (DZG)”, Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (Konstanz) spoke in her Plenary Talk on “Science of the Sociome: Tracking how interactions scale to complex societies.” On the second day, Dr. Cynthia Tedore from the Department of Biology at the University of Hamburg gave the Plenary Talk on “The role of detectability in the evolution of fruit color.” Both plenary talks inspired the 90 online listeners and led to interesting discussions. We hope to welcome both speakers as keynote speakers next year, if it should be possible to hold a DZG annual meeting again. The short talks were presented on a wide variety of topics in behavioral biology at a high level and generated a positive response throughout. Although this Virtual Meeting was a new experience for many of the participants and presenters, it was a successful and very well received substitute for the cancelled face-to-face sessions. The participants all contributed very well to the success of the event and discussions also worked well online with a good 90 participants after all, even a short SPAM incident was quickly resolved. We hope that the members of the Section of Animal Behaviour will again be so active at the DZG and give exciting talks, just as they did at this online meeting.

The Section Speakers of Animal Behaviour

Anja Günther, Mirjam Knörnschild, E. Tobias Krause


08/2020 Virtual Meeting of the Behavioural Biology Section of the German Zoological Society 


Since the annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG) had to be cancelled due to the current pandemic, the Behavioural Biology Section of the DZG is hosting a virtual meeting to provide researchers with the opportunity to present their findings and network with colleagues. We specifically invite early career researchers (advanced master’s students, doctoral students and young postdocs) to present their research in a friendly atmosphere and to discuss it with peers.

The virtual meeting will take place via Zoom on September 9th and 10th from 9-12 am. On both days, the sessions will be opened with a keynote lecture which is followed by short talks on various aspects of animal behaviour.

Our keynote speakers are Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot, Director of the MPI of Animal Behavior in Konstanz, and Dr. Cynthia Tedore, Research Associate at the Research Unit Behavioral Biology of the University of Hamburg.

Keynote on September 9th, 9 a.m., by Meg Crofoot

Keynote on September 10th, 9 a.m., by Cynthia Tedore
The diversity and detectability of avian-dispersed fruits through bird eyes 

Keynote lectures will be 30 minutes plus 15 minutes discussion, short talks will be a maximum of 10 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion. We will accept 16 short talks in total. The number of non-presenting participants is not limited. There are no costs associated with this virtual meeting.

Zoom-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85420796005
We are very much looking forward to meeting you soon!

Anja Günther, Mirjam Knörnschild and Tobias Krause

Behavioural Biology Section Speakers

[printable version:  https://www.dzg-ev.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Zoom_Meeting_DZG_Animal.Behaviour.Section_2020.pdf]

DZG 2020 – 113th DZG Meeting in Würzburg

The meeting originally planned for 08-11.09.2020 has been postponed due to COVID-19. New date is expected to be 31.08. – 03.09.2021.


The Section of Behavioural Biology organized a virtual meeting on September 9 and 10, 2020.