Genetics of adaptation: from single loci to polygenic traits

  • The meeting will be held online (a zoom link will be sent to all participants).
  • Application deadline:until 1. Sept. 2020
  • Invited Speakers: Joachim Hermisson, Kelly Swarts

The 25th DZG (German Zoological Society) Graduate Meeting in Evolutionary Biology will be organized by the Institute of Population Genetics at the Vetmeduni Vienna in September 2020. While the meeting’s main topic is “Genetics of adaptation: from single loci to polygenic traits“, all scholars of evolutionary biology are welcome to discuss their plans and results. The meeting is supported by the DZG.

For more information see:





116. DZG Jahrestagung
09. – 13. 9. 2024
Universität Hohenheim

Kalender 2024