Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal
Announcement of the Science Prize of the German Zoological Association
The German Zoological Association will award its science prize, the Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal, at its 116th annual conference in 2024.
With this award, the German Zoological Association honors the life’s work of Nobel Prize winner and member of the Order pour le mérite Prof. Dr. Karl Ritter von Frisch. With this scientific award, the DZG aims to honor outstanding and original achievements, especially those works that represent an integration of knowledge from several individual biological disciplines.
The science prize consists of a medal and prize money of €5,000. The sponsors are BMC and Springer Verlag GmbH Berlin, Heidelberg.
All members of the DZG can nominate candidates for the Science Award. Written proposals must be submitted to the President of the DZG.
PD Dr. Sven Bradler
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
für Zoologie und Anthropologie
Abt. Evolution und Biodiversität
Untere Karspüle 2
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 (0)551 3925430
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