PrizeTitle of the contributionfirst authorAutor listAffiliation
Prize for the best student talkCan plover chicks recognize the smell of their parents?Marc GillesMarc Gilles; Sama Zefania; Innes Cuthill; Tamás Székely; Barbara CaspersBielefeld University
1. poster prizeRodeo on aquatic mammals: surface adaptations of arthropod parasites to underwater attachmentAnika PreussAnika Preuss; Insa Herzog; Kristina Lehnert; Stanislav N. GorbZoological Institute, Kiel University
2. poster prizeDevelopmental changes in the head of the dragonfly Libellula depressa (Odonata: Libellulidae) revealed by geometric morphometricsBenedikt JostenBenedikt Josten; Jolan Hogreve; Karolin Engelkes; Thomas van de Kamp; Frank Suhling; Stanislav N. Gorb; Alexander Blanke; Sebastian BüsseZoological Institute, Kiel University
3. poster prizeRNAi soaking induces gene knockdown of olfactory ionotropic co-receptors in Daphnia pulexJana TerbeckJana Terbeck; Linda WeissRuhr University Bochum
poster prize
FG Entwicklungsbiologie
Developmental biology
Impact of microbiome on animal development. Role of bacteria in early embryogenesis in HydraOrnina MerzaOrnina Merza; Christopher Noack; Thomas BoschZoological Institute, Kiel University
poster prize
FG Evolutionsbiologie
Evolutionary Biology
When it gets warm in winter: Phenotypic plasticity in a cold adapted population of a range expanding spiderCarolina Ortiz MovliavCarolina Ortiz Movliav; Marina Wolz; Michael Klockmann; Gabriele UhlUniversity of Greifswald
poster prize
FG Morphologie
Go with the flow: Passive flow in two benthic suspension feedersLeandra HamannLeandra Hamann; Raffaella Frank; Lukas Török; Alexander BlankeUniversität Bonn
poster prize
FG Neurobiologie
Temperature-dependent variability of detectable neuropeptide and aminergic titers in individual Drosophila neurons by quantitative immunolabellingInga SchirmerInga Schirmer; Susanne NeupertUniversität Kassel
poster prize
FG Ökologie
Cellular mechanisms of predator induced defence development in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia lumholtziNatascha Sophia GaedigkNatascha Sophia Gaedigk; Annette Graeve; Linda C. WeissRuhr-Universität Bochum
poster prize
FG Physiologie
Neuroglobin might be a protective factor under acute stress conditions in zebrafishAnnette SchlosserAnnette Schlosser; Luka Gruse; Mathias Schmidt; Laura Marie Scherer; Thorsten Burmester; Andrej FabriziusUniversity of Hamburg
poster prize
FG Systematik, Biogeographie & Diversität
Investigation of the diversification of ant-associated Lycaenidae butterflies during the aridification of the African continentSvenja AhlbornSvenja Sabine Ahlborn; Marianne EspelandZoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK)