von entwicklungsbiologie | 13.12.2021 | Entwicklungsbiologie
Graduate Meeting of the Developmental Biology Section Mind the gap: From Genotype to Phenotype and the role of Modelling, Genomic Prediction and Development March 2-4, 2022 at Waldschlösschen, (Reinhausen, Göttingen) Save the date! The final program will be available...
von entwicklungsbiologie | 31.05.2021 | Entwicklungsbiologie
The 113th annual DZG Meeting goes virtual in 2021! From August 30 – September 3, 2021 the DZG Meeting will take place online. We are currently organizing our section symposium. The final program will be available here soon. Please visit the conference website...
von entwicklungsbiologie | 24.07.2020 | Entwicklungsbiologie
Since the 113th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Würzburg must be postponed, we will have a virtual meeting: “Section Meeting: Developmental Biology” September 10, 2020 | 9 – 12 CEST Submit a title for a presentation to nposnie@gwdg.de or...
von entwicklungsbiologie | 02.04.2020 | Entwicklungsbiologie
MEETING POSTPONED TO 2021 – STAY TUNED 113th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Würzburg (tba) “From tiny steps to major transitions – Evo-Devo on various scales” Invited Speakers: Maria Daniela Santos Nunes, Oxford Brookes University,...